Contraction Mountain

Wow, look at this powerful contraction!

Labor contractions are a consistent and strong rhythmic tightening or internal squeezing of the belly that is coupled with a cramping sensation followed by a relaxing of the muscles of the uterus.

Here's what happens during a contraction: You can visualize it like you are starting to climb a mountain. There is a starting point, climbing up, a peak (the most intense part), a letdown, and then a break.

The Start: The uterus muscles begin to tighten, causing a sensation of pressure coupled with cramping in the lower abdomen, back, or pelvis.

The Build-up: The contraction gradually increases in intensity and duration.

The Peak: The contraction reaches its maximum intensity. This only lasts for about 15 seconds and is when the muscles are working hardest to dilate the cervix and push the baby down.

The Letdown : After reaching the peak, the contraction begins to decrease in intensity and duration as the muscles relax.

The Break: Belly is relaxed and you can recharge and rest as you gear up
for the next wave.


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