When The Roots Are Deep There Is No Reason To Fear The Wind”- African proverb

This past summer was a whirlwind for me. I traveled all over the United states for births. When I finally got home I had to evacuate due to high winds and potential fire danger. There was so much “ Up in the air energy” and this weird start stop, uncertainty energy that I was feeling and so many of my friends and clients at the time had been as well. During this time I was staying with a friend and took my dogs for a walk. The winds were blowing like crazy all around me and I got a download that was “ How can you stay centered and grounded in the mits of a storm? We all go through times  when life is hard and throws us for a loop. When you are uprooted from your life it’s hard to make good decisions, think clearly and be focused especially when you aren't grounded or in your body. Here is a yoga sequence from my latest book MAMASTE https://www.amazon.com/Mamaste-Discover-Authentic-Balanced-Motherhood/dp/145216956X   to help ground and center your energy and get you back into your body.

Grounding Yoga

*Suggested props: mat, tennis ball (or small hard ball), bolster.

Grounding Cord. With your eyes closed, sit in a cross-legged position with your spine straight. Rock forward and back and side to side on your sitz bone (tailbone) and see if you can find a balanced place. Take a few moments to feel and notice your sitz bone on the ground and feel your energy sinking into the earth a bit, as if the ground was giving way. Imagine your tailbone is like a tree trunk going down from this area of your body, deep into the center of the earth. When you get to the center, anchor it here with roots that help ground your energy. (This is something you can do anytime you feel out of your body. It’s also a great way to ground yourself before you start your day.)

Opening the Chakras in Your Feet. Now come up to a standing position and place a tennis ball underneath the middle of the bottom of your foot. Inhale and gently push into the ball, leaning your weight into your foot, and hold. As you inhale, breathe down into your foot; as you exhale, imagine your foot softening like butter as it melts around the ball. Hold here for a few breaths, and then with your eyes closed, roll your foot slowly over the ball in a circle. If you feel tension or tightness, hold it, inhale, exhale, place your weight on it, and massage it out with the ball. When you are ready, switch sides, starting again with the center of your foot, then massaging all around the bottom of the foot. 

Find Your Balance. Put the ball away. Close your eyes and stand with your feet firmly on the ground. Notice how your feet are the foundation which is supporting you. Once again imagine a tree trunk going down into the earth from your tailbone. This time make it thicker, going down into the earth even deeper, expanding out those roots even further. 

Now, march in place for 1 minute—march hard, stomping your feet very firmly on the ground. This helps awaken your foot chakras and ground you even more. 

Forward Bend. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, fold forward, with a tiny bend in your knees, clasping your hands at your elbows. Sway your torso side to side for a few seconds and then come to stillness in the center; unclasp your arms and place the palms of your hands flat on the ground or up on blocks. Inhale through your nose for 4 counts as you slowly bend your legs. Hold here for 2 counts and exhale through your nose and straighten your legs. Pause for 2 counts and then inhale and bend again for 4 counts, holding the pose and breathing for 2 exhales. Straighten, pausing for 2 seconds before taking your next breath. Keep this going for 10 rounds. 

Deep Squat. Take your feet wider than hip-distance apart and turn your toes out to the sides. Bend your knees and come down into a deep squat. Place the palms of your hands together in a prayer position and use your elbow to help pry your knees further apart. Imagine a red balloon on the floor underneath you and breathe it into your perineum area, and as your exhale visualize sending it back down to the ground as you soften, relax, and unclench your butt and genital area. Do this 3–5 times. 

From there make your way onto the ground, laying on your back with legs straight and arms at your sides. 

Bridge. Bend your knees, placing the soles of your feet flat on the ground with the palms of your hands flat on the floor at the sides of your body. Inhale through your nose for 4 counts as you lift your hips up and your arms overhead. Pause and hold your breath up at the top for 2 counts and exhale as your arms and hips lower to the ground. Pause for 2 counts before inhaling and raising your arms and hips up, pausing and holding your breath at the top, then exhaling everything. Lower down and pause for 2 counts before the next round. Do this 10 times and then hug your knees into your chest and rock side to side. 

Feet-on-Wall. Lie on your back with your feet hip-distance apart on the wall, knees bent in toward your chest, thighs perpendicular to the wall, and hands resting along the sides of your body. Push through your legs into your feet hold for 30 seconds and release. Repeat this 3–5 times. It's normal for your legs to shake! You are just releasing and moving energy from this area of your body. 

Spinal twist. With your legs up and knees still bent, bring both legs over to the left and take your arms out to your sides, looking over to the right. Breathe into any tight areas and as you exhale, allow your body to melt into the ground. Stay here for a few breaths and switch sides. 

Spinal rock. Hug your knees into your chest and massage your spine by rocking forward and back a few times; then come up to a seated position. 

Child’s Pose. Place a bolster or large sofa pillow in front of you and come into a supported pose, where your knees are further apart than your hips and the bolster is supporting your torso. Your arms are hugging the bolster and your head is turned to the side. Start to rock forward and back like a baby that's self-soothing. Rock for 1–3 minutes and begin to ask yourself silently, “What do I need?” Notice if any feeling, words, or visions come up. Now imagine having these needs met. What does that look and feel like ? 

Come up into a crossed legged position with your hands in prayer and think of three things or actions you can take you to support what you need.


Calling In Your Baby Ritual


Breathe In The Light & Exhale Out The Dark