Your Amazing Placenta

1⃣.The placenta provides oxygen and nutrients to your growing baby and removes waste products from your baby's blood. 

2⃣.The average placenta weights somewhere between 1-3 pounds 

3⃣.The placenta acts like a lung for the baby, allowing the transfer of oxygen just like the lungs do in a newborn baby or adult.

4⃣. The making of the  placenta is a team effort. 50% of the cells come from the mother and the other 50% of the cells come from the baby. 

5⃣.The food a mother eats during pregnancy does not go directly to the baby. It is broken down into tiny particles of proteins and nutrients that cross the placenta. 

6⃣. A baby can send stem cells through the placenta to heal its mother's organs if they are damaged .

7⃣.The placenta is the only a disposable organ in the body. 

8⃣.Every minute during pregnancy, one pint of blood is being pumped into the uterus, exchanging nutrients with the placenta.


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