The Amazing Placenta

The placenta plays many important roles during pregnancy.

Check this out:

♥️ The placenta acts as a bridge between the mother and the developing baby, it facilitates the transfer of nutrients, oxygen, and other essential substances from the mother's bloodstream to babe.

♥️ It serves as a filter, removing waste products generated by the baby. These waste products are then transported back into the mother's bloodstream for elimination.

♥️ It produces hormones, including human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), progesterone, and estrogen. These hormones play crucial roles in maintaining the pregnancy, supporting fetal development, and preparing the mother's body for childbirth.

♥️ It acts as a protective barrier, preventing harmful substances, such as certain bacteria and viruses, from reaching the baby.

♥️ The placenta also provides a physical barrier that protects the baby from maternal immune responses. Since the baby has a different set of antigens from the mother, the placenta prevents the mother's immune system from attacking the developing baby as a foreign entity.

♥️ It also acts as a storage site for certain substances. It stores glycogen, iron, and other essential nutrients, providing a reserve that can be utilized by the developing baby when needed. This helps ensure a stable and consistent supply of nutrients to support fetal growth and development.






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